Labels:text | screenshot | font | black and white OCR: elp File netrom acktime [<millisecs> ] Display or set the NET/ROM acknowledgement timer. netrom bcnodes <iface> Send a NET/ROM routing broadcast out on <iface> etrom connect <node_callsign> Make an ordinary NET/ROM connection to another NET/ROM node. netrom choketime [<millisecs>] Display or set the NET/ROM choke time. This is the time to wait before breaking a send choke condition. netrom interface <interface> <alias> <quality> The 'netrom interface' command specifies an <interface> to be used for NET/ROM, together with the NET/ROM node <alias> and <quality>. The <alias> is a string of up to six characters, and is the name by which the node is known to other NET/ROM stations. There are no hard and fast rules for choosing an alias name, but ideally it should contain the letters "IP" or "TCP", or start with a "#", to make it clear to other users that this is not an ordinary NET/ROM node. A suggested convention is to incorporate the last half of your IP address, expressed in hexadecimal, into the alias. The <quality> is the default quality for incoming NET/ROM broadcasts (and is also the default quality for stations added to the node filter list). netrom irtt [<millisecs>] Display or set the NET/ROM Initial Round Trip Timer. netrom kick <&CB> Kick the NET/ROM session with control block address <&CB>. netrom nodefilter Display the node filter list. netrom nodefilter add <neighbour_callsign> <interface> [<quality>] Add a node to the node filter list. The default value of <quality> is the quality value assigned in the 'netrom interface' command. netrom nodefilter drop <neighbour_callsign> <interface> Remove a node from the node filter list. netrom nodefilter mode [none laccept Ireject] Display or set the node filter mode. The settings are: none No filtering. The filter is ignored. accept: Only nodes in the nodefilter list will be heard by the node . e ject Nodes in the nodefilter list will be rejected. This is used to disable a path to a neighbouring node; useful if there are several paths and you do not want to use a specific one. netrom nodetimer [<seconds>] Display or set the NET/ROM route update broadcast interval. netrom obsotimer [<seconds>] Display or set the NET/ROM obsolescence timer, which indicates how long the entries will remain alive in the NET/ROM routing table. A new or refreshed entry in the table has a time-to-live (TTL) count of 6. Each time the obsotimer expires, the TTL count is decremented by one. If node information is not refreshed, the entry will eventually disappear when the TTL count falls to zero. netrom qlimit [<bytes>] Display or set the maximum number of bytes on the NET/ROM receive queue. This is the threshhold at which the sender is choked. netrom reset <&CB> Reset the NET/ROM session with control block address <&CB>. Use the 'netrom status' command to obtain the control block address. netrom retries [<n>] Display or set the maximum number of connect and disconnect retries. netrom route Display the NET/ROM routing table. <alias> :< callsign>. Entries are of the form netrom route add <alias> <target_callsign> <interface> <quality> <neighbour_callsign> Add an entry to the NET/ROM routing table. The <alias> and <target_callsign> apply to the station at the eventual destination of the route. The <neighbour_callsign> is the callsign of the local NET/ROM node to which packets will be sent first on their journey to the target . netrom route drop <target_callsign> <neighbour_callsign> <interface> Remove an entry from the NET/ROM routing table. netrom route info <target_callsign> Display NET/ROM routing information. The output includes the quality, TIL, interface and neighbouring NET/ROM node. Permanent routes which have been manually entered are indicated with a "P". netrom status [ <&CB>] Display NET/ROM status. The 'netrom status' command without a control block parameter <&CB> displays the general status. When a control block address is supplied, a more detailed output is produced. netrom timertype [linear lexponential] Display or set the NET/ROM timer backoff mode. is recommended for amateur radio work. Linear backoff netrom ttl [<hops>] Display or set the NET/ROM Time-to-Live. This is the maximum number of hops a packet can take before it is thrown away. This prevents packets from circulating for ever in an endless loop. netrom user [<username> ] Display or set your NET/ROM user name. netrom verbose [onloff] Display or set the NET/ROM "verbose" mode. When set to 'on', the node will act as a normal NET/ROM switch, broadcasting its routing table in the normal NET/ROM manner. netrom window [ <frames>] Display or set the maximum NET/ROM window size. This is the largest negotiable send and receive window.